Globalcreating in the Trump era

Mar 20, 2017

Globalcreating is all about using the world as your platform to use your skills, make a difference and live your best life.  So its unsurprising that most #globalcreators are or have been skilled migrants.  Whether its teaching English in Korea,  coordinating advocacy groups in South Africa, making films in Brazil and bankrolling investments in Abu Dhabi, we are making it happen all over the globe.

Over the past 10 years, as globalization has increased, this international outlook has brought massive opportunities.  But the passage of #Brexit and election of Donald Trump show that there are also widespread sentiments against internationalism, and towards a more nationalistic view of life.

Currently, the top 10 countries for  migrants include:

  1. USA
  2. Germany
  3. Russia
  4. SAudi Arabia
  5. UK
  6. UAE
  7. Canada
  8. France
  9. Australia
  10. Spain

Skilled migrants (college-educated folks) are typically migrating to OECD countries, although there’s a small share that go to emerging markets for fields such as development, industry and media communications.

Will the Trump era make it harder for college-educated globalcreators to do their thing in the US?  The Washington Post seems to think so.  If this happens, it has potential shift the global digital talent wave away from San Francisco to less-renowned cities such as Bangalore, Hong Kong or Singapore.

But the implications go beyond the US tech landscape.  It bears upon other questions such as whether  anti-Muslim sentiments in USA and Europe could compel Gulf investors to look elsewhere.  If so, what would be the implications for the world’s most valuable real estate markets, i.e. New York, San Francisco, London.

If you are already a skilled migrant, has the election of Trump and passage of Brexit changed your view on best countries to live and work?

Yana Fleming

Yana Fleming

I have worked in marketing communications for over 20 years with 15 years specialising in emerging markets. As a consultant, I bring creative and technical know-how, and a wealth of strategic communications experience garnered from working with multinational corporations, educational institutions, government agencies, and nonprofits.

Globalcreating and Building Capacity Part 1

by Yana Fleming | Glocal Citizens Hosted by Florence Adu &

Globalcreating and Building Capacity Part 2

by Yana Fleming | Glocal Citizens Hosted by Florence Adu &

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